2015年7月17日 星期五






Could you comment on what the US side told her in terms of cross strait relationship. I believe you have a better perspective to say. You also said that the 92 consensus is not something the US would have a say either to the DPP or to whoever. But the Chinese government has made it clear they needed something, a formula, which may not be called 92 consensus, to actually continue the current exchange or dialogue across straits. Does the US agree with that? Will the US support the DPP or Tsai in their pursuit of cross strait relations on the basis of whatever formula that both sides or the three sides can agree to.

美國在台協會主席薄瑞光(Raymond Burghardt)回應:


First of all, It is not… I’m not sure what your “three sides” means. The US has never blast a particular formula for cross strait relation, the furthest we have gone is to say “it’s nice that something is working.” As I said earlier, we encourage Taiwan, in this case the DPP, to also use flexibility and creativity but also Beijing, I mean it is the two sides. One of my old bosses Winston Lord often said, Americans are not smart enough to mediate between Chinese, I guess George Marshall proved that. So I think that is true today as it was in 1947. We know that a lot has been going on, and we will see whether something is found. The important thing is for each side to show flexibility and creativity. The result, maintaining stability, maintaining line of communication, and not having miscalculation, that is important and is important to us. So we hope that no one would fail in the effort to achieve that.




有網友在臉書專頁私訊提到,我附上的英文原文是「We know that a lot has been going on, and we will see whether something is found.」。的確,作者這段話其實是省略主詞的,所以我有把主詞用括號表現。主詞可能是單獨指台灣、可能單獨指民進黨、也可能同時指台灣和中國(也就是兩岸),甚至美國官員就是要故意省略模糊,因為美國目前對中國問題的外交原則就是「不會在公開言論上」介入兩岸關係的特定方案(就算會用其他方式介入),在外交禮儀上官員也不應該評論其他國家的特定政黨。(其實去聽錄音檔就知道,官員的語氣就是在閃這個問題,根本沒想要正面回答,怎麼可能在裡面爆大條的料)

