2015年2月14日 星期六


長期以來,中國GDP的增長目標都被作為年度預算的中心。傳統上來講,GDP增長目標的達成代表著相關負責部門和官員的成就,壯大GDP增長數值是得到提拔的一項指標。僅2014年一年,三分之二的省份未達到其設定好的GDP增速目標,標誌著這些目標的重要性開始減弱。更有甚者,由於經濟增長放緩,一些省份正穩速降低其GDP增長目標。諸如此類的一系列舉動,都指明了現在中國對於經濟發展「質重於量」的追求。 2015年,上海市政府在全國率先公開取消GDP增長率指標。放下經濟增長的重擔後,有關部門將會有能力把注意力投入在更大、更有野心的目標上。

All along, annual GDP targets have been the centerpiece of China’s annual budget. The tradition is that GDP targets are the most powerful expression of an officials accomplishment, and thus, soaring GDP numbers are usually the path to career success. In 2014, 2/3 of Chinese provinces have missed their GDP target, a sign that targets have become less important. Moreover, provinces have been steadily lowering their GDP targets as economy has slowed. Such acts indicate the shift in emphasis on economic quality rather than quantity, which is why in 2015 Shanghai has become the first provincial government to omit its GDP target. Released of the burden, officials have more scope to focus on bigger and more ambitious goals.
